Our Approach To Therapy

Collaboration. Safety. Consent.

You want to change and we want to support you in this process. That’s why you are here.

As a therapy practice, we understand that therapy can be very intimate and vulnerable space in which people inevitably confront difficult experiences, painful truths, present worries or future fears. We are aware of the systemic and generational harm that many marginalized and minority communities have experienced in social service and healthcare systems. This historical harm can make it difficult for people to open themselves up to the therapeutic process.

In order to protect this vulnerable therapeutic space, so you can feel safe and supported, our therapist prioritize your consent in this process. Your agreement is important in every phase of therapy, including scheduling, creating therapeutic goals, focus of therapy sessions and when therapy ends.

Our clinical approach incorporates narrative, emotion-focused, solution-focused and person–centered therapies. Our therapist has completed an EMDRIA-approved basic training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and is currently pursuing EMDR certification through Personal Transformation Institute.

The communities we work most often with include:

  • LGBTQ folxs

  • Black and Brown/BIPOC folxs

  • Women/Female identified folxs

The concerns and experiences commonly explored:

  • Sex and Kink considerations

  • Sexuality and gender identity exploration

  • Stress/Adjustment

  • Trauma/PTSD

  • Mood dysregulation (Depression/Anxiety)

  • Work satisfaction

  • Intimacy and dating relationships

  • Familial and interpersonal conflict

  • Chronic medical concerns/pain

  • Cultural/racial identity

black mental health queer affirming supportive space
Person smiling, happy, playful with animal, content with life

Let us support you on your mental health journey.